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四个月的时间 我让父亲的糖尿病有所好转


Most of us know that eating healthily is important, but many people don't fully appreciate the importance of fuelling their body correctly until it is too late. One person who's seen the true transformational power of fresh, nutrient-rich, multitasking foods is Bonnie Stowell, chef and founder of food delivery service Spring Green London.
大多数人都知道吃得健康很重要,但很多人在为时已晚之前,并没有完全认清给身体注入正确能量的重要性。邦妮·斯托维尔真正见证过新鲜、营养丰富的多重食物带来的真正转变力,她是外卖服务伦敦春季畅青美食(Spring Green London)的主厨和创始人。

Bonnie realised that she wanted to work in food following a health scare that turned her father's life around.

四个月的时间 我让父亲的糖尿病有所好转

"My Dad has always looked really healthy but after divorcing from his wife he was just working really really hard and had a terrible, terrible diet. He wasn't overeating but he'd buy pre-packaged food, put it in the microwave at the end of the day and that was all he had - completely full of sugar and no fresh vegetables. And then for lunch he'd just go to the local café and have a bacon sandwich on white bread with ketchup, all washed down with around eight coffees, all with sugar. "

Water wasn't a concept for him - I don't think he ever drank water! And that was what he did for 15 years straight. We'd occasionally make him a salad but I think he was just taking it to work and throwing it away. Basically he just wouldn't even try to eat healthily.

The turning point

Everything came to a head for Bonnie's dad when he got diagnosed with type 2 diabetes.

'It got to the point where he was really lethargic and couldn't sleep properly. Then, out of the blue, he was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. We were all really shocked, including dad. It's a shame things had to go that far but it was definitely a massive wakeup call for him.'

Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes and is generally associated with individuals who are overweight or obese. It occurs when the body doesn't produce enough insulin to function properly, or the body's cells don't react to insulin, meaning that the glucose stays in the blood and isn't used as fuel for energy.

Plan of action

'The doctors weren't that helpful really - they just told him to take medication and be a bit healthier. So I did some of research into what we could do to help and ended up completely changing his diet.'