This Quantum Theory Predicts That The Future Might Be Influencing The Past
One of the weirder aspects of quantum mechanics could be explained by an equally weird idea – that causation can run backwards in time as well as forwards.
A pair of physicists from the US and Canada took a closer look at some basic assumptions in quantum theory and decided unless we discovered time necessarily ran one way, measurements made to a particle could echo back in time as well as forward.
We all know quantum mechanics is weird. And part of that weirdness comes down to the fact that at a fundamental level, particles don't act like solid billiard balls rolling down a table, but rather like a blurry cloud of possibilities shifting around the room.
This blurry cloud comes into sharp focus when we try to measure particles.
A physicist by the name of Huw Price claimed back in 2012 that if the strange probabilities behind quantum states reflect something real, and if nothing restricts time to one direction, the black ball in that cloud of maybes could theoretically roll out of the pocket and knock the white ball.
"Critics object that there is complete time-symmetry in classical physics, and yet no apparent retrocausality. Why should the quantum world be any different?" Price wrote.
John Stewart Bell said that the weird things that happen in quantum mechanics can't ever be explained by actions taking place nearby. It's as if nothing is causing the multitude of billiard balls to take such varied paths. At a fundamental level, the Universe is random.
But what about actions taking place somewhere else... or somewhen else?
Needless to say, the idea of retrocausality is a fringe idea.