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Apple has reportedly dismissed an engineer after his daughter's iPhone X hands-on video went viral on YouTube. Brooke Amelia Peterson published a vlog earlier this week, which included a trip to the Apple campus to visit her father and see an unreleased iPhone X.
据报道,一名工程师被苹果公司解雇,原因是他的女儿手拿iPhone X的视频传在Youtube火了。布鲁克艾蜜莉亚彼得森(Brooke Amelia Peterson)在上周的早些时候,在自己的博客上发了视频,内容是她去苹果公司看他的爸爸,还包括当时没有发行iPhone X的真机。

Peterson's video was quickly picked up by sites like 9to5Mac, and it spread even further on YouTube.

Peterson now claims her father has been fired as a result of her video. In a tearful video, Peterson explains her father violated an Apple company rule by allowing her to film the unreleased handset at Apple's campus. Apple reportedly requested that Peterson remove the video, but it was clearly too late as the content spread further and further.

The video itself may have seemed like an innocent hands-on, but it did include footage of an iPhone X with special employee-only QR codes. A notes app was also shown on the iPhone X in the video, which appeared to include codenames of unreleased Apple products. Filming on Apple's campus is strictly prohibited, so filming an unreleased iPhone X is a definite rule violation.
视频中手机看起来没有什么特别,但是视频镜头中显示该手机有员工专用的条形码。在手机中的备忘录的应用程序中还有未发行的苹果的其他产品代号。在苹果公司进行拍摄是明令禁止的,更别说拍摄还没有发布的iPhone X了。

We've seen similar dismissals in the past. A Microsoft employee was dismissed after his son posted pictures of the Xbox 360 before its release. The Apple engineer in question had worked at the company for around four years, building the iPhone RF and wireless circuit design.
以前也发生过类似的案件。一家微软员工因儿子提前发布Xbox 360的照片而被解雇。据悉该员工在苹果公司已经工作近4年,负责iPhone RF和无线电路的设计。