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There's one thing people are most scared of when it comes to dying - how much pain they will be in at the end. According to members of the UK public, this beats dying alone, and leaving family and friends behind.

Two new surveys, carried out for the charity by YouGov, who surveyed 1,878 cancer patients, who surveyed 1,786 members of the general public, revealed the overwhelming result. Over a quarter (28%) of people with cancer and one fifth (20%) of the UK public say dying in pain is their top fear about death.

Despite this fear topping the polls, Macmillan Cancer Support says that over 12,000 cancer patients in England each year spend their last 48 hours in pain. Macmillan is urging the government to prioritise care for dying people, and stick to the promises made one year ago, 5 July 2016, in their Commitment to improve end of live care, and repeated in the General Election Manifesto.

The commitment includes providing high quality, personalised care in all settings, to meet the person's needs and preferences as far as possible. New analysis by Macmillan suggests a strong link between poorly coordinated care and dying in pain.

Almost three quarters (72%) of those who felt services didn't work well together when at home had poor pain relief, compared with less than a fifth (19%) who said services definitely did work well together. Nida Tariq, 25, from London lost her mother, 52, to lung cancer in 2014.

She says: "Mum's chemo treatment made her very ill, and when the cancer spread to her brain, she was in a very bad way. It's hard to put into words how difficult it was seeing her vomiting, suffering seizures, collapsing and in terrible pain.

"We did have some care nurses help out, but I was shocked at how they didn't seem to know or care what they were doing to help relieve some of my mum's agony. It was a traumatising experience and something no cancer patient should ever have to go through."