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俄罗斯研发永久光盘 能存储数据100万年


Russian scientists are completing work on super-stable optical memory technology to create a disc capable of storing information for one million years under certain conditions.

They created a prototype of an "eternal disc" and will conduct research and development work in 2018-2020, said Ivan Glebov, head of the Moscow-based laboratory of laser nanostructuring in glass at the Foundation for Advanced Research Projects.

The new storage device is made of quartz glass. To record data, a femtosecond laser delivers extremely short and intense light pulses onto a piece of quartz.

The disc is resistant to fires, radiation and electromagnetic waves.

It will be capable of storing up to 1 TB of data in the future. Presently, the researchers are striving for 25 GB/disc data capacity.

At the current stage, the FARP laboratory regards state organizations, such as the Book Chamber and the Russian State Library, as the first users of the new technology.

"The technology also attracts organizations that need long-term or permanent data storage. There are a lot of such organizations, and it is especially important to data processing centers, because they accumulate a large volume of information from various state structures," Glebov said.