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Chicken Nuggets are ludicrously comforting. There's nothing like a large plate of beige breadedness to come home to. Even for vegans and vegetarians it's fantastic - the Quorn versions are possibly tastier than the 'real' chicken.

What if you could make eating them your job? Sadly, veggies, this is where your interest in the article probably departs. Discount retailer B&M are looking for a Chicken Nugget Connoisseur to test their range of frozen foods.

It's a temporary vacancy, but we're sad to report the successful applicant will only be paid in the form of monthly £25 vouchers to spend in-store. The application page says they are looking for someone who enjoys:

Getting the 20 share box of nuggets from McDonalds and keeping them all for yourself .Being the first in the office kitchen whenever someone says there's cake.That time you tripped and fell at a buffet and saved the plate before yourself.

Going to an event or party because there is free food.You value the importance of a fish finger sandwich in life.You can conduct a power point presentation on the reasoning behind curly fries being nicer than chips.