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研究发现 微笑能给人造成压力也能缓解压力


New research finds that smiles can be used to both soothe or attack - at least, as far as the brain's stress pathways are concerned.

The study, published by researchers from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and Bar-Ilan University, looked at the interaction between nonverbal feedback and the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, our body's central stress response system.

The authors report that individuals with higher heart-rate variability showed the widest range of responses to different smiles.

Higher heart rate variability has previously been correlated with a higher ability to recognize facial expressions.

"The findings provide further evidence for the view that smiles do not necessarily constitute positive nonverbal feedback, and that they may impact social interactions by affecting the physiological reaction of people who perceive them," the authors write.

"In addition, cortisol appears to support the detection of social threat and coordinate biological activity needed to adequately respond to the threat."

The findings help patch in our understanding of the depth of nonverbal communication in human language -- as a tool to unnerve, a hand to soothe, and as an outside effect on our psychological state.

However, the team cautions that because of the small sample of exclusively male participants, the findings shouldn't be generalized until replicated.

Thus, further research will need to explore whether or not men and women react differently to the same kind of smile, and to test more overt (both negative and positive) facial expressions.