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Last fall, as part of our Modern Love at 13 project, we asked readers to submit haikulike versions of their love stories. We received, well, a few (ahem, north of 9,000) and shared some of our favorites then. Here is another batch of 13-word stories that caught our eye.

"Love Is ..." takes a look at love in many forms. Love what you see? Read more of the series here.

I will never mistake your amazing gooeyness. I love you, mac 'n' cheese.

Kornelia Gondek
科内利亚·冈德克(Kornelia Gondek)

Don't expect sex to be sexy at 60 if it's not at 16.

Laura Docter
劳拉·博克特(Laura Docter)

Cuba. You were Danish. I complimented your Speedos. You said, "Thanks, they're secondhand."

Aliya Hashemi
艾丽娅·哈什米(Aliya Hashemi)

Has anyone ever been consistently so happy to see me as my dog?

Rebecca Short
丽贝卡·肖特(Rebecca Short)

I talk in the mornings. She doesn't. But we've made it this long.

Joseph Thomas
约瑟夫·托马斯(Joseph Thomas)

He wrote me a poem, but I recognized it as Depeche Mode lyrics.
他给我写了一首诗,但我认出是"赶时髦"(Depeche Mode)乐队的歌词。

Liza Wyles
丽莎·维勒斯(Liza Wyles)

We both like Mountain Dew and sticking our tongues out; the important stuff.
我们都喜欢激浪汽水(Mountain Dew)和吐舌头;都是重要的事。

Imran Ullah
伊姆兰·乌拉(Imran Ullah)

Our friends keep on having babies. We moved to Europe. We sleep great.

Katherine Bayard
凯瑟琳·贝亚德(Katherine Bayard)

Waiter, please set the table for three: my girlfriend, her anxiety and me.

Marek Piechowicz
马雷克·皮克维茨(Marek Piechowicz)

My kids moved out and he moved in; my first dog, named Wilbur.

Hilary Sigismondi
希拉里·西吉斯蒙迪(Hilary Sigismondi)

45 years bliss. Then 13-word challenge. Now can't agree. Love doomed. Thanks.

Barry Evans
巴里·埃文斯(Barry Evans)

You had me at, "Don't worry, I haven't watched 'Game of Thrones,' either."

Stephanie Ades
史蒂芬妮·阿德斯(Stephanie Ades)

Years from now, I hope the headline doesn't become "Buddhism stole my boyfriend."

Allison Poirot
艾莉森·波洛特(Allison Poirot)

Never kiss and tell, especially when you are kissing an Army intelligence commander.
别刚亲完就说出去,尤其是如果亲的是一个陆军情报指挥官。(短语"kiss and tell"有泄露秘密、背叛他人信任的意思。译注)

Jennifer Greenberg
詹妮弗·格林伯格(Jennifer Greenberg)

Post-kiss, it was never going to work. Maybe it was the Doritos.

Monika Gupta
莫妮卡·古普塔(Monika Gupta)