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If you've waded into the world of online dating, you know that it can be a real bummer. The terrible behavior that it normalizes-ghosting-is emotional abuse in its purest form, and it inevitably has a negative impact on emotional well-being.

A 2011 study found that rejection stimulates the same somatosensory brain system as physical pain. In the same way that holding hands can alleviate physical pain, being ghosted can cause it. Another 2017 study of 1,300 college students found that those who used Tinder regularly tended to have lower self-esteem and more body image issues than those who didn't.

"We found that being actively involved with Tinder, regardless of the user's gender, was associated with body dissatisfaction, comparing oneself physically to others, and reliance on media for information on appearance and attractiveness," Jessica Strübel, a professor at the University of Texas and lead author of the study, said in a press release.
"我们发现频繁使用Tinder的人,不管他们的性别,都存在对自己的身体不满意、将自己的身体与他人对比、依赖社交媒体获取外表和吸引力信息的情况,"德克萨斯大学的一名教授、本研究的首席作者Jessica Strübel在一次新闻发布会上说道。

These findings corroborate other studies that have found that social media in general often makes people feel depressed, because it encourages users to objectify themselves and constantly compare themselves unfavorably to others. It's no small wonder that people between 18 and 22 were recently found to be the loneliest age group in America. After all, 39 percent of them admit to being online "almost constantly."

The rise of tech addiction very much feeds into the detrimental effects of online dating, as well. Last year, Match.com, which has over 7 million paid subscribers, released a survey that revealed one in six adults self-identifies as being "addicted" to the process of trying to find a mate. And their mental health suffered as a result.

"People who self-described as having really addictive-style behaviors toward the internet and cellphones scored much higher on depression and anxiety scales," Alejandro Lleras, a University of Illinois professor who conducted a 2016 study linking obsessive cellphone usage with poor mental health, said in a press release.
"自称对网络和手机上瘾的人往往会有更高的抑郁和焦虑水平,"伊利诺伊大学的一位教授Alejandro Lleras在一次新闻发布会中说道。这位教授于2016年开展了一项研究,将沉迷于手机与心理健康较差联系在一起。