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What is the nicest thing you've ever done for a complete stranger and vice versa?

获得23K好评的回答@Kittie Eubank:

After a very bad breakup, I borrowed a pickup to drive from Houston to Mississippi to visit my family and pick up a load of furniture I had stored there.
On the way back, well after dark, I got a flat tire. Fortunately, when I realized it was flat I was right at an off-ramp with a small gas station, so I pulled up there to figure out what to do.
I couldn’t find a spare tire anywhere I could get to with the huge load of furniture, so I went inside and bought a couple cans of Fix-A-Flat. I’d never used it, but how hard could it be?
I crouched there by the flat tire with the yellow metal cans that were supposed to be solving my problem but were really just adding to my frustration and started to cry.
Then a short, muscular guy in a leather biker jacket and ripped jeans with a faded bandanna tied over his bald head pulled in on a Harley and parked next to me.
Oh good lord, I don’t need this right now, I thought.
He approached and I prepared to brush him off. Then he knelt down by me and asked if he could help. He pulled a clean bandana out of his pocket and gave it to me to dry my tears and introduced himself as David.
He put the Fix-A-Flat into the tire with ease and it worked - yay! We chatted a bit; turns out he lived in Houston too and was headed home.
David wanted to be sure the tire didn’t immediately go flat again so he offered to follow me a few miles up the road - he knew of a Burger King where we could stop and grab a bite before continuing down the highway. We did this, and chatted over our flame-broiled burgers like old friends.
为了确定轮胎不会马上再瘪掉,David提出要陪我走几英里,他知道有一家Burger King,在那儿我们能停下来吃点东西,然后继续上路。我们就是那样做的,像老朋友一样吃着烤汉堡聊着天。
On Monday morning the first thing I did was email him a thank-you card with my sincere gratitude. My email signature said I was an administrative assistant and he responded by asking if I was interested in a new job.
The following Monday I started work as the office manager of his oil company - one of the absolute most enjoyable jobs I’ve ever had and a pay increase of over 30%.
I have since learned that the vast majority of bikers, especially Harley guys, are some of the best human beings you could ever want to know. David certainly was!