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Deciding to break up with someone is rarely easy. It's made even harder when you are breaking up with someone you love. No matter what your friends or family tell you, ending it with a significant other only comes when you realize that this person is more of a negative than a positive in your life.

Looking at the big picture and how your partner impacts you can allow you to make a wise and thought out decision. While it may be hard to see at the time, there are quite a few reasons to break up with someone even if you love them.

1. You can't trust them.
1. 你无法相信他/她。

No matter how much you love someone, you need to be able to trust them. Trust is absolutely paramount in a relationship. According to a study from Northwestern University and Redeemer University College in Ontario, Canada, those who have trust their partners are more likely to be in long-term and successful relationships, proving just how important that trust is.

2. They are emotionally manipulative.
2. 他们在情感上喜欢操纵。

From telling you that every argument is your fault to acting as if they can't live without you, an emotionally manipulative partner brings down your self-worth and leaves you relying on them.

"Healthy social influence occurs between most people, and is part of the give and take of constructive relationships," Preston Ni, wrote in Psychology Today. "In psychological manipulation, one person is used for the benefit of another. The manipulator deliberately creates an imbalance of power and exploits the victim to serve his or her agenda."
"健康社会影响发生在大多数人身上,是建设性恋情给予与索取的一部分,"Preston Ni在《今日心理学》中写道。"在心理操纵中,为了自己的利益,他/她会利用另一半。操纵者故意造成权利失衡的假象,剥削受害者为他/她做事。"

3. They isolate you from your friends.
3. 他们不让你见自己的朋友。

Does your significant other get mad when you choose to hang out with your friends and not them? Do they speak negatively of others in your life? This tactic leaves you isolated from other support in your life and makes you rely more heavily on them, which can be a sign things are toxic.

4. The distance is too much.
4. 你们相距甚远。

While, despite what you might have heard, long distance can work, that doesn't mean it's easy and it's certainly not for everyone.