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韩国:足球队员能免兵役 防弹少年团为啥不能免?



They may be the pride of South Korea after topping America’s Billboard 200 chart this week for the second time with their new album ‘Love Yourself’ but K-pop boyband BTS could still be cut off in their prime because of mandatory military service.



 All able-bodied South Korean men must serve for at least 21 months in the army.


However, the phenomenal global success of BTS, who have pulled off the rare feat of reaching No.1 in the US album chart twice in one year, has reignited a debate about who should be exempt from conscription.



Currently elite medal-winning athletes and a select list of classical musicians and ballet dancers can escape the compulsory duty as they are deemed to be raising the national image on a global stage.


The South Korean men’s football team, including Son Heung-min, the Tottenham Hotspur forward, were granted a reprieve last weekend after winning gold at the Asian Games.




 But music fans and politicians argue that the rules are out-of-touch with modern South Korean society and should be updated to benefit celebrities of contemporary pop culture.


"The general public, including young people, wonder what makes winning on the Billboard chart different from winning in other international competitions? Winning the former is likely to create bigger added value," politician Ha Tae-kyung told the National Defence Committee in July, reported Yonhap.

据韩联社报道,政界人士Ha Tae-kyung7月份对国防委员会表示:“登顶美国专辑排行榜和在其他国际比赛中获胜有何不同?包括年轻人在内的民众对此都很费解。而且前者创造的附加值可能更大。”

"For example, Psy broke the world record with YouTube video hits, which is extremely difficult to achieve. It is the world's No. 1 and has huge influence over people around the world," he continued, referring to the musician who created the addictive dance ‘Gangnam Style’ in 2012.



 小德中网现场秀“骑马舞” In response to public disquiet on the issue, Lee Nak-yon, the Prime Minister, instructed the Cabinet on Tuesday to look at reforming the system.


However, any changes will come too late for K-pop sensation Big Bang, which lost several members, including leader singer G-Dragon, to military service earlier this year.

然而对韩国流行男团Big Bang来说,所有改变都将为时已晚。今年早些时候,主唱权志龙在内的几位成员已相继入伍。

G-Dragon had to issue a plea to distraught fans to stop sending so many messages to his barracks as the office printer ran out of ink.



The timing of conscription can be career-breaking. Historically, several entertainers have been accused of moving abroad, faking health conditions or even submitting tainted urine samples to medical examinations in order to avoid serving in the army.






 《太阳的后裔》剧照 玄彬于2011年入伍,他放弃轻松的文艺兵,坚持到环境艰苦的海军陆战队服役,当时立刻赢得了韩国军方和民众的好评。不少粉丝赞玄彬是“真男人”。于是,2012年底,完美退役的玄彬立刻成为各大广告商疯抢的对象。

On the other hand, some believe that the exemption policy should be abandoned altogether, given the subjective nature of determining who has raised Korea’s profile sufficiently internationally. More than 85% of South Koreans think that the current law governing exemption from military service needs to be overhauled to ensure fairness, according to a government survey conducted in 2015.


“Some people are born with artistic or athletic abilities, but a large part of that is determined by their parents’ financial status, so I find it unfair that conscription is applied selectively,” said Park Hyung-jun, a 24-year-old male in Seoul.

首尔一位24岁的男子Park Hyung-jun说:“一些人生来就有艺术和体育天分,但大部分还得靠家长的财力去培养挖掘,所以我觉得有些人因此免服兵役,并不公平。”