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1. You may not be a natural leader
1. 你可能天生不是当领导人的料

Often, positions in the higher levels come with leadership responsibilities: you need to command and inspire your team and think of new directions to take your team in. No matter how you good you are at your current job, you will not qualify for the next level up if you are not comfortable being a leader.

2. You have not proven a higher level of skill
2. 你尚未证明具备胜任更高职位的技能

If you do have the leadership qualities required for the next level up, you may not have found a way to prove it. You should help your boss see what you are capable of by stepping up and offering to take up responsibilities from time to time when your boss needs help.

3. You do not speak up much
3. 你鲜少表达

Even if you do have the leadership skills needed for a promotion and have proven yourself, it is possible that you have done it all without calling attention to yourself. Books on management often joke about how success in the workplace comes to those who take the trouble to look busy, whether or not they accomplish anything. You need to think about playing the part as well as looking the part.

4. You have not been consistent
4. 你的工作表现不稳定

In the workplace, you are only as good as the last item on your track record. If it has been a couple of weeks since your last success or if there have been a couple of recent slip-ups, your successes won't shine through.

5. You have not added to your resume recently
5. 最近的简历没有更新

If the last educational entry on your resume is from a decade ago, you are not doing everything you can to show that you are keeping up with the times. It is important to build upon your resume on a continuing basis.

6. You have not been promoted in a while
6. 你已经很久没有升职了

Promotions go to those who have had promotions in the past. If you have stayed in the same position for a while, your boss may no longer think of you as the kind of person who gets promotions. To them, you are just a helpful, dependable person who is satisfied with them lot in life.