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人造肉风潮持续大热,Beyond Meat赚翻了


Plant-based meat is hot right now, so it’s no surprise that Beyond Meat reported its first-ever quarter of net income when it released its third-quarter earnings after the market closed this afternoon.
现在人造肉大火,今天下午股市收盘后Beyond Meat发布了第三季度收益,该公司第一次有了季度净利润并不让人感到意外。
This marks the company’s first full quarter since going public in May.
The El Segundo, California-based company reported net revenues of $92 million, up 250% from the third quarter of 2018, and net income of $4.1 million (6 cents per diluted common share) versus a net loss of $9.3 million this time last year.

Refinitiv had forecast revenues of $82.2 million and EPS of 3 cents.
Beyond Meat credited its quarterly performance with higher sales volume, the result of more interest in meat alternatives from stores, restaurants, and the food-service industry; international sales; and existing customers buying more of the company’s products. The company’s third quarter ended September 28.
Beyond Meat认为能有此季度业绩是因为销量提高了,商家、饭店和食品服务业对肉类替代品更感兴趣了,国际销量也有所提高,现有消费者对该公司产品的购买力也提高了。该公司的第三季度截止到9月28日。
Beyond Meat’s IPO was one of the most successful in recent years.
Beyond Meat是近些年最成功的上市案例之一。
“We remain focused on expanding our distribution footprint, both domestically and abroad, building our brand, introducing new innovative products into the marketplace, and bolstering our infrastructure and internal capabilities to fuel our future growth,” president and CEO Ethan Brown said in a statement.
总裁兼首席执行官Ethan Brown在声明中说:“我们依然将重点放在扩大国内外分销范围上,打造我们的品牌,向市场推出新的创新产品,加强我们的基础设施和内在能力,以推动未来增长。”
Beyond Meat hit the big time in September when McDonald’s announced it was testing a new product called the P.L.T., which stands for Plant Lettuce Tomato and which features a plant-based burger by Beyond Meat. The 12-week run began September 30 at 28 restaurants in southwestern Ontario.
九月份麦当劳宣布要测试名为P.L.T. 的人造肉汉堡新产品时Beyond Meat就大展身手了,P.L.T.代表“植物、生菜、番茄”,特殊之处就是用了Beyond Meat提供的植物汉堡。从9月30号开始安大略西南部的28家餐厅已经卖了12周。
Today, Denny’s said it’s launching the new Denny’s Beyond Burger at all its Los Angeles area restaurants.
The plant-based meat maker’s products are also sold at Dunkin’, Subway, TGI Fridays, Carl’s Jr., and Del Taco.
这家人造肉公司的产品也在唐恩都乐、赛百味、星期五美式餐厅、卡乐星汉堡和Del Taco餐厅有售。
Among Beyond Meat’s key risks are whether customers will adjust to plant-based meat, supply chain expansion, and competition, according to an October 21 research note by Goldman Sachs’s Adam Samuelson.
高盛的亚当·萨缪尔森在10月21日的研究报告中指出,Beyond Meat面临最大的困难就是消费者是否能适应人造肉的问题、供应链扩张以及竞争。