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Why you need to wee more in winter 


If you find yourself needing to go to the toilet more frequently after being out in cold weather, then don't worry, you're not alone. A doctor has explained why it is you might be finding yourself nipping to the loo a little more often during the winter months. 


According to experts, it's common to need a wee more frequently during periods of cold weather. This is due to a biological process called cold diuresis, which occurs when the body's temperature lowers. Dr Diana Gall, from online medical service, Doctor 4 U has explained why it happens and what you need to do about it.

专家表示,冬天上厕所更频繁是正常现象。这是一种叫做天冷利尿的生物学过程所致,这一过程发生在体温降低时。在线医疗服务的戴安娜·高尔(Diana Gall)医生解释了冬天总要上厕所的原因以及个人需采取的对应措施

She said: "The biological response is to redirect blood to the core to create warmth, while the kidneys release extra fluid to stabilize the pressure. And it's this process which boosts urine production, giving you the urge to wee more in the cold, winter months." She continued: "There's currently a lack of scientific research into the phenomena, which means we don't know just how low the temperature needs to get before it takes effect. But we do know you're likely to feel the effects if you're standing around outside this winter - and it means you might need to know where the toilets are if you're visiting the winter market.


Dr Gall advises people to wrap up warm and try to avoid standing outside for long periods of time. She also explains how frequent urination can be "damaging" to your body's natural balance - and in some cases can even prove "fatal". She adds: "Frequent urination due to diuresis can actually be really damaging to your body's natural salt, water and mineral balance. It can lead to conditions like hyponatremia, when there's not enough sodium in the body, or hyperkalemia, too much potassium, and hypokalemia, not enough potassium. All three of these conditions can prove fatal in extreme circumstances. And if you are weeing too much, you need to replenish fluids to avoid dehydration." 
