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Lu Lizhi, a senior researcher with the Zhejiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences, told Bloomberg that the ducks are "biological weapons". He said that while chickens could eat about 70 locusts in one day a duck could devour more than three times that number. "Ducks like to stay in a group so they are easier to manage than chickens," he told Chinese media.


A trial involving the ducks will take place in China's western Xinjiang in the coming months, Mr Lu said. After that they will be sent to Pakistan's worst-affected areas of Sindh, Balochistan and Punjab provinces.


 However, a professor from the China Agriculture University, who is part of the delegation to Pakistan, questioned whether the ducks would be suited to the mainly arid conditions where the locusts are a problem.


"Ducks rely on water, but in Pakistan's desert areas, the temperature is very high," Zhang Long told reporters in Pakistan.


生物防治(biological control),指的就是利用一种生物对付另外一种生物(通常是害虫)的防止办法,一般分为三种:猎食者(predator)、病原体(pathogen)、和寄生虫(parasite)。



Predators kill and feed on several to many individual prey during their lifetimes. Many species of amphibians, birds, mammals, and reptiles prey extensively on insects. Predatory beetles, flies, lacewings, true bugs (Order Hemiptera), and wasps feed on various pest insects or mites.




Somalia, one of several African nations being hit hard by enormous swarms of locusts, is planning to control them with a fungus in what would be the largest use of biopesticides against these insects.


“Large-scale use to control an invasion of desert locusts would be a first,” says Michel Lecoq, a retired entomologist who worked on locust control at the French Agricultural Research Center for International Development. “If successful, it will be a big step forward.”


Young locusts, such as these (pictured) in northern Somalia, will be killed by a nontoxic biocontrol fungus before they swarm. (The biopesticides) consist of spores of the fungus Metarhizium acridum, which produces a toxin that kills only locusts and related grasshoppers.

索马里北部的幼蝗(如上图所示)在成群聚集之前就会被一种无毒的生物防治真菌杀死。(该生物杀虫剂)由真菌(Metrahizium acridum)的孢子组成,该真菌产生的毒素只会杀死蝗虫和相关的蝗虫。



A parasite is an organism that lives and feeds in or on a host. Insect parasites can develop on the inside or outside of the host’s body. Often only the immature stage of the parasite feeds on the host.


Most parasitic insects are either flies (Order Diptera) or wasps (Order Hymenoptera). Parasitic wasps occur in over three dozen Hymenoptera families. For example, Aphidiinae (a subfamily of Braconidae) attack aphids.


Trichogrammatidae parasitize insect eggs. Aphelinidae, Encyrtidae, Eulophidae, and Ichneumonidae are other groups that parasitize insect pests. It’s important to note that these tiny to medium-sized wasps are incapable of stinging people.
