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1. Work smart.
1. 聪明地工作。
2. Work hard.
2. 努力地工作。
3. Develop a good sense of prioritization.
3. 培养事务优先排序的良好意识。
4. Learn to tune out distractions.
4. 学会排除干扰。
5. Learn to work independently.
5. 学会独立完成任务。
6. Learn to work collaboratively.
6. 学会与他人合作。
7. Develop relationships with your peers.
7. 与同事建立良好关系。
8. Learn how to communicate well.
8. 培养良好的沟通能力。
9. Learn to be fearless.
9. 学会无所畏惧。
10. Learn when it is time to quit.
10. 知道何时该辞职。
11. Spend less on stuff.
11. 减少杂务上的投资。
12. Spend more on experiences.
12. 多投资于积累经验上。
13. Choose the Right Job.
13. 选择一份“对的”工作。
14. Impossibilities are a temporary nuisance.
14. “不可能性”只是短暂的烦恼。
15. Be the manager of your manager.
15. 成为经理的管理人。
16. Love the people, not the Company.
16. 爱人们,不是爱公司。
17. Work when you are bored.
17. 累的时候干活。
18. Professionalism is over-hyped.
18. 专业素质被夸大了。
19. Save time.
19. 节省时间。
20. Money is both important and not important.
20. 金钱很重要,也没那么重要。
21. Relax.
21. 放松休息。
22. You can't avoid office politics.
22. 你无法避免办公室政治。
23. You'll never have a job which you "can't quit".
23. 永远没有一份“不能辞职”的工作。
24. You learn by listening, not talking.
24. 从聆听中学习,而不是侃侃而谈。
25. ALWAYS look for another job.
25. 永远寻找新工作。
26. Don't tell your co-workers about your personal business.
26. 别跟同事说自己的私事。
27. If you are genuinely sick - DON’T COME TO WORK.
27. 如果你真的生病了,千万别去上班!
28. Always say "Thank You" and "Please" when it is appropriate to do so.
28. 无论何时,该说“谢谢您”和“请”的时候就要说。
29. Think before you speak.
29. 三思而后行。
30. Avoid people with bad attitudes unless you need their help.
30. 少与态度不好的同事交往除非你需要他们的帮助。
31. Remember that a job is an inanimate object.
31. 请记住,工作是无生命的物品。
32. Get to know as many people as possible.
32. 尽可能认识多点人。
33. Find out what projects are most important to the company.
33. 了解公司目前最重要的项目是什么。
34. Words are cheap, what counts are actions.
34. 承诺很廉价,珍贵于行动。
35. Always have clear and quantifiable goals.
35. 永远要有清晰可量化的目标。
36. Anything important must have a single owner.
36. 重要的东西都会有它的主人。
37. Always choose the best people (better than oneself) for the teams we lead.
37. 团队的领头人必须是最合适的人选(比自己还要出色)。
38. Be herd or be heard. Unless you voice out, nobody will know you exist!
38. 要么融入群体,要么鹤立鸡群。你不发声,没有人知道你的存在!
39. Manners are louder than talents, people skills are more instrumental than your degree.
39. 态度比天赋更体现个人品质,人际关系技能比你的学历更有说服力。
40. You will be in multiple jobs, but only in one life.
40. 你可能身兼多职,但只能在一次生命中。
41. Be task oriented, not result oriented.
41. 专注任务本身,不是专注结果。
42. Meetings are practical alternatives to working!
42. 会议是替代工作的可行方案!
43. If you don't fit, don't force.
43. 气场不合,不必强融。
44. Love your job, not your colleague.
44. 爱工作,而非爱同事。
45. Make value out of everything.
45. 让每一件事都变得有价值。
46.  Life is unfair, so will your performance reviews be.
46. 生活就是这么不公平,正如你的业绩评估。
47. Weekends are life savers.
47. 周末简直就是救世主。
48. Find out where the spare toilet rolls are kept.
48. 知道备用的厕所卷纸放在哪。
49. It's OK to be 'bullied' when you are new.
49. 新人被欺负是正常的。
50. Be sincere.
50. 真诚待人。
51. Don't bring negative emotions back home.
51. 不要把负面情绪带回家。
52. Don't offend secretaries, speak nicely to them.
52. 不要惹毛秘书们,多给她们说好话。
53. Customers can shout and will be tolerated but that doesn't mean they are right.
53. 客户会吵闹会忍耐,但这不意味着他们就是对的。
54. There is no good time to resign. Only the reason matters.
54. 没有该辞职的时机,只有该辞职的理由。
55. Do NOT abuse your employee benefits.
55. 不要滥用你的员工福利。
56. You know absolutely nothing after graduation.
56. 毕业后你什么都不会。
57. Don’t study for the sake of studying.
57. 别为了学习学习
58. Always look for a better job.  Always learn new things.
58. 永远要追求更好的工作,学习新的东西。
59. Have a plan B, C, D….
59. 要有备选方案B,C,D……
60. Losers chase job titles.
60. 只有失败者才会追求头衔。
61. Realization.
61. 要有职业觉悟。
62. Dress.
62. 穿着得体。
63. Punctuality.
63. 守时。
64. Research.
64. 研究调查。
65. Extra Reading.
65. 拓展阅读
66. Think outside The Box.
66. 摆脱思维定势。
67. Know your purpose.
67. 清楚自己的目的。
68. Learn from smarter ones.
68. 向聪明能干的人学习
69. Spend time to reflect and visualize.
69. 多花时间反思和想象。
70. Planning is the key to success.
70. 制定计划是成功的关键。
71. Satisfaction.
71. 职业满意度。
72. Soft Skills.
72. 培养软技能。
73. Update your resume.
73. 更新个人简历。
74. Have bias on actions.
74. 要有自己的一套行动方式。