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Any big surprises?

I found out that I actually did like baijiu. Another thing is that I found out just how essential alcohol is to Chinese culture. Evidence shows that the Chinese might have been making alcohol even before they formed a civilization, and that alcohol might have played a central role in the creation of their civilization.

The book seems to be everything you ever wanted to know about baijiu. So your readers are not Chinese?

I don't think the Chinese need my help in appreciating their culture. But outside of China, the level of understanding is low, even in people who are experts in spirits: bartenders, wine and spirit writers. This is the book I wish had existed when I first started researching baijiu. It allows you to walk into a Chinese liquor store and know what's on the shelf. Normally, you walk into a store and see a wall filled with Chinese characters. You have no idea what you're looking at.
答:我觉得中国人并不需要我来帮助他们品鉴本国文化。然而在中国以外,人们对白酒知之甚少,甚至连烈酒专家--调酒师、葡萄酒和烈酒作家亦是如此。我多么希望在我研究白酒之初就能有这样一本书。它让你在走进一家中国酒水店的时候能知道架子上摆的是什么。而通常情况下,你走进一家酒水店,眼前是一整 的汉字,你根本不知道那都是些什么。

Where did you live in China?

Shanghai and then Chengdu (the capital of Sichuan province). Sichuan is the center of China's baijiu industry, so I got a chance to do a lot of firsthand research, visit distilleries, and see the business inside out.

Do you have a favorite baijiu?

Since the book lists about 90 baijiu, I probably shouldn't pick a favorite. But there are some I really like. One is called Lao Guilin by Guilin Sanhua. It's a really smooth kind of sweet, but not cloyingly, so it's kind of reminiscent of sake. Another is Laobai Fenjiu by Xinghuacun Fenjiu. And then my go-to favorite Sichuan baijiu is Luzhuo Laojiao.

You must have some good drinking stories.

We were at a lunch banquet thrown by the Sichuan government affairs office and only had two or three shots of baijiu. It was upper-end baijiu and that was the first time I drank it and thought, this is something I could really start liking. Then, in the afternoon, they put us in some ridiculous traditional costumes and marched us out to a big performance in the center of town. There were tens of thousands of people there.

They got me up and had me perform a traditional Chinese drum dance with all these 8-year-old girls who had been rehearsing for months. I kind of think it would have pissed me off but for the fact that I had a few shots of baijiu at lunch, which made the whole thing so hilarious and fun. It is one of my best memories of living in Sichuan.

So baijiu makes everything better?

That for me was the crucial insight in my quest to understand baijiu. Whether you enjoy the drink itself, the fact is, if you can go with it and learn to at least tolerate baijiu, you will have a much better time in China. It's one of the only times when random people will cut loose and show you this jovial, fun side of themselves that they don't show strangers.