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Try to understand your partner's needs

If your lover tells you they need more space, try to talk about it and find out the reason for this request. It is not always because of you, so do not get aggressive. They might have a stressful period at work, or feel like they need to hang out with their friends more, or just want to spend some time doing things they like.

Understanding the reason for asking more space allows you to find out how much space you can give your partner in order to keep your relationship healthy and not cause any harm to it.
Do their need for space affects you in a negative way?

If your lover wants more time for his or her hobbies, you can schedule specific days on which they can do what they like but if they just tell you they need some time, it might be difficult to understand precisely what it means.


Do not let space become distance

When you offer your partner the space they need, the situation might get a bit strange, and you might feel like you're getting distant from each other. To avoid that, you should check in from time to time.

This way, the space they are getting will not feel like a distance between you. Also, you can suggest to check in every Saturday night or at least once a week, adding that you understand their struggle and their need for personal space.

Do not let this decision affect your relationship

When thinking about offering more space to your partner, you should decide according to their personality. There are situations in which asking for space might be a way to manipulate you, such as:

If your partner has a history of cheating.

If he or she is a liar.

If they do not care about your needs.

You are the one that knows your partner best, so you should make a decision according to their personality.
