
新编六级听力练习 第356期


Section C
Compound Dictation
The Internet and Internet users can be targets for hackers. Hackers are people who use their computers to gain (36) _____ access to information on other people's computers, via the Internet. But there are ways to (37) _____ the hackers.
Until recently the opportunities for (38) _____ activities on the Internet have been low. However, the (39) _____ of business done on the Internet is growing rapidly, as people order books and other products and make money transactions. All this is creating (40) _____ for hackers.
Hackers are often young people who are (41) _____ by computers. They use them to prowl the Internet, looking for ways to break into computer systems run by banks, telephone companies and even government departments. They look for examples of credit cards and try to steal the numbers.
Recently in America, hackers have been caught (42) _____ the security system at the Pentagon, (43) _____ of the American Defense Department.
"(44) ____________________________________________________________________ ," says Michael White, multi-media product manager for Clear Communications.
"You've got to know your vendor, you just don't give your credit card out to anybody," he says. "(45) ____________________________________________________________________________ . If you don't, it's like leaving the bank vault door wide open."
(46) _______________________________________________________________________________ .