




11. M: Oh, I’m so sorry I forgot to bring along the book you borrowed from the library.
W: What a terrible memory you have! Anyway, I won’t need it until Friday night. As long as I can get it by then, OK?
Q: What do we learn from this conversation?
该题可用排除法得出答案。从对话中可知,男士忘了将女士的书带来,而女士的那本书是她从图书馆借来的。同时女士也明确表明周五晚上是最后期限,男士必须在此之前还她,因此答案是The man failed to keep his promise,因为男士没有信守承诺,将书带给女士。

12. W: Doctor, I haven’t been able to get enough sleep lately, and I’m too tired to concentrate in class.
M: Well, you know, spending too much time indoors with all that artificial lighting can do that to you. Your body loses track of whether it’s day or night.
Q: What does the man imply?
该题关键是弄懂医生说的那句话,因为女士一天到晚呆在室内接受人工光源的照射,于是身体无法自动调节时间,因此医生认为女士应该多出去走走,做一些户外活动。因此答案是The woman should spend more time outdoors.


14. W: I think your article in the school newspaper is right on target, and your viewpoints have certainly convinced me.
M: Thanks, but in view of the general responses, you and I are definitely in the minority.
Q: What does the man mean?
此题明显考察了转折考点,对男人回答中but部分针对提问。对话中女士赞扬男士发表的文章非常好,论点很有说服力。男士的回答是,就读者总体反映来看,他们两个人绝对是出于少数人的行列,也就是说只有少数人认为赞同男士在文章中的论点, 故选择Most readers do not share his viewpoints.

15. M: Daisy was furious yesterday because I lost her notebook. Should I go see her and apologize to her again?
W: Well, if I were you, I’d let her cool off a few days before I approach her.
Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?
此题是非常典型的三三原则相加,即以well为代表的关键提示词,if I were you虚拟语态特殊表达表建议及语义解释。由女士说的“if I were you, I’d let her cool off a few days before I approach her”,因此,女士希望男士先让Daisy冷静几天,等怒气消停了再说。cool off意为“冷静,平静下来,息怒”,故此题选择Leave Daisy alone for the time being.

17. M: Our basketball team is playing in the finals but I don’t have a ticket. I guess I’ll just watch it on TV. Do you want to come over?
W: Actually I have a ticket. But I’m not feeling well. You can have it for what it cost me.
Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

此题又是非常典型的两两原则相加,即以actually为代表的关键提示词和but转折原则的相加。该对话中,男士没买到票,而女士则刚好有,她身体不舒服,故而想将自己的票以原价转让给男士,故选择The man can get the ticket at its original price。该文主要是由“You can have it for what it cost me”得出。