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CRI听力:Beijing Olympic Volunteers Registered over 110,000


It's been just a month since the Organizing Committee for the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games launched its volunteer recruitment program for urban services, and, so far, over 110,000 people have applied.

The Beijing Morning Post says those between 13 and 36 make up 90 percent of all candidates. Among them, two secondary school students, 13-year-old Wang Menghan and Gao Xinyan are the youngest, while 79-year-old geologist Du Danian is the oldest. As a fluent English speaker, Du Danian has applied for a position for language services.

Though passion for being a part of the Games is high, the paper says it's equally important to have the same passion in dealing with all kinds of problems. For this reason a good knowledge of sports and the city, plus strong inter-personal skills are among the sought after requirements.

During the Games, around 500 service stations will be set up around Beijing and 400,000 volunteers will be needed to work with spectators, and tourists, as well as helping locals in such areas as information, emergency response and translation.