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CRI听力:Kerry and UK FM on Threat by Islamic State Group


British Foreign Secretary Philip Hammond has stated that the international community is determined to defeat not just the physical entity of the Islamic State group but also its underlying ideology.

"We all confirmed our commitment to the struggle, however long it takes and wherever it leads us, to defeating the scourge of violent Islamist extremism."

He made the comments after a one-day international summit in London on defeating the militant group.

Also attending the summit, US Secretary of State John Kerry called the Islamic State a global problem, stating that a coordinated, comprehensive, and enduring global response is required.

"A coalition came together around the joint statement that was issued out of the meeting in Brussels, and that outlines our multiple lines of effort that we are currently engaged in: providing security assistance, strengthening the capacity of Iraq to stand on its own, protecting our homelands, disrupting the flow of foreign fighters, draining Daesh's financial resources, providing humanitarian relief to victims, and ultimately defeating what Daesh represents, defeating Daesh as an idea, if it can be called that."

Officials from 22 countries around the world have attended the London talks focusing on what can be done to cut off the organization's funding, stop the spread of its propaganda, and stem the flow of foreign fighters to its ranks.