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CRI听力:Iran Nuclear Talks Extended Again


Talks connected to Iran's nuclear program are expected to continue into this Thursday in Switzerland, two days after the original deadline.

The negotiations have been going for close to the last 7 days, with diplomats from the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and Germany scrambling to reach a framework accord with the Iranian government.

Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi is among those taking part in the marathon talks.

"I want to stress that we are working to accommodate everyone's concerns during the process. But we feel it’s also important to speak with one-voice through the UN Security Council."

The comments come amid suggestions tensions may be flaring up within the talks.

The United States is warning it's still prepared to walk away from the negotiations.

White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest.

"If we are in a situation where we sense that the talks have stalled then yes, the United States and the international community is prepared to walk away because we've been very clear about what kinds of commitments we expect and we've been clear about those kinds of commitments for in excess of a year."

The negotiators are said to be working on a joint statement, outlining general political commitments.

It's said the negotiations also involve drafting documents which will lay out more details of the steps they will have to take to reach a June 30th deadline for a final deal.