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CRI听力:Bosnia, Montenegro Sign Border Treaty


Bosnia-Herzegovina and Montenegro have signed a new border treaty as part of a western Balkans conference taking place in the Austrian capital, Vienna.

It's the first border treaty Bosnia-Herzegovina has signed with its neighbors.

Austrian President Heinz Fischer is hailing the treaty as a good step toward solving the lingering problems from the disintegration of the former Yugoslavia.

"It would be fine if this agreement could come into force as soon as possible, and if this problem is solved other problems can also be solved with peaceful means."

Other issues, including the recent surge of migrants through the Balkans, are expected to be high on the agenda.

The so-called "western Balkans route" has become one of the main ways into the European Union for thousands of would-be migrants entering the bloc this year, in what is being described as Europe's worst refugee crisis since World War II.