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CRI听力:China Calls for "Legally Binding Deal" in Paris Climate Conference


China's chief climate negotiator on Thursday unveiled the country's position on the Paris climate change conference, saying China hopes that "a powerful, ambitious and legally binding deal" can be reached in Paris.
Xie Zhenhua, China's special representative on climate change, made the remarks at a press conference where he released a report on China's efforts to cope with climate change.

Xie added that a 2015 deal should reflect the principles of "common but differentiated responsibilities" (CDR) and "respective capabilities."

The Paris climate change conference, due to begin at the end of November, is the latest attempt by world leaders to reduce carbon emissions through a legally binding treaty after the talk in Copenhagen in 2009 failed to deliver a deal.

For more on China's latest moves to tackle climate change, CRI's Wang Mengzhen earlier spoke with Li Zhichao from a Beijing-based NGO dedicated to combating climate change.