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CRI听力:UN Security Council Votes Unanimously to Destroy Islamic State


The resolution says the Islamic State group "constitutes a global and uNPRecedented threat to international peace and security" and expresses the council's determination "to combat by all means this uNPRecedented threat."

The resolution calls on UN member states "that have the capacity to do so to take all necessary measures" against the Islamic State group and all other violent extremist groups "to eradicate the safe haven they have established over significant parts of Iraq and Syria."

"The resolution we just adopted recognizes the exceptional nature of the threat from Daesh and calls on all member states to take all necessary measure to eradicate its sanctuaries created in Syria and Iraq and also push back its ideology which is radical. This resolution frames our action under the international law and the upholding of the UN Charter."

China's UN ambassador Liu Jieyi is calling on the international community to form a united front against terrorism.

"The international community should work together, follow the missions and principles of the UN Charter, and bring the leading role of the UN into full play, in order to further enhance coordination and cooperation against terrorism."

Liu also says the Chinese government will continue to fight against terrorism in any form and is willing to strengthen anti-terrorism cooperation with other countries.

"The Chinese government opposes terrorism in any form and will fight resolutely against any violent terrorism act that challenges the bottom line of humanity. Fighting against the terrorist force of East-Turkistan, which is represented by the East Turkestan Islamic Movement, is an important part of the global counter-terrorism efforts. We will continue to strengthen the anti-terrorism cooperation with the international community to safeguard world peace."

The resolution was adopted a week after violent extremists launched a coordinated gun and bomb assault that killed 130 people in Paris.

It also comes eight days after twin suicide bombings in Beirut killed 43 people, and three weeks after a Russian airliner crashed over Egypt's Sinai Peninsula killing all 224 people on board.

ISIS has claimed it carried out all three attacks.

For CRI, I'm Su Yi in New York.