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CRI听力:So Young Sequel to Meet Audiences on July 8


A sequel of So Young, a 2013 Chinese film directed by famous actress Zhao Wei, will hit theaters on Friday, July 8th.

The sequel director Zhou Tuoru has recently led his all-star cast to a promotional press conference in Beijing.

"I think the most important issue is that all the characters in this story bring a vivid image into my mind, because all the sentiments of the characters and their relations are so real. And each character has its independent personality, which represent different social and gender groups amongst the younger generation."

In the sequel named Never Gone(致青春·原来你还在这里), Chinese-Canadian actor Kris Wu and Chinese actress Crystal Liu Yifei portray a pair of lovers who fell in love with each other when they were in college. However, the difference in their family background and personalities caused them to separate.

And the girl didn't tell her boyfriend she got pregnant when they were driven apart. A few years later, they met each other with uNPRedictable results.

The upcoming film is based on the novel by Xin Yiwu.

Ke Liming is the film investor and producer, who is among the very first people showing a strong interest in bringing this coming-of-age novel onto the big screen.

"I also produced another teen film in 2014, called 'Old Boy:The Way of The Dragon'. I really wish I could always keep a young mind. What's more? This romance novel attracts me a lot with its theme 'love remains immortal and both of them can't get over it despite the passage of time."

In addition, young pop singer Wang Zhengliang who sings the theme song for the movie also joined the promotion. He's also the music producer for the film project.

Can the poetic emotions in the upcoming film Never Gone(致青春·原来你还在这里), touch your heart? Please check it out this coming Friday.