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CRI听力:Opening up: a China engaged more into the world



Again, China has been moving now to a stage where it’s confident about welcoming foreign investment in a more open manner. It has already introduced very important reforms in that respect, there is a commitment in the previous five-year plan to provide what is called pre-establishment national treatment and what is called a negative list on investment conditions. And more importantly, China’s leadership, in terms of framing the new order at international level on investment, together with the major countries that are sources of investment in the world. China has been preparing and upgrading its legal frameworks again to welcome that investment. So it’s probably not fully ready, but it’s moving towards a more enabling environment, regulatory environment for foreign investment. And that’s very important in today’s economy.

--- Ricardo Melendez
Chief Executive, International Centre for Trade and Sustainable Development

I really think that there is growing interest of the Chinese company to come in Europe to come in France and to make some investment we've seen, important investment in the insurance sectors. We've seen some important investment in the hotel sector, so yes of course in the wine sector in Bordeaux, many French many Chinese business people have been buying wine and chateaus in Burgundy in Bordeaux.
We see the importance of the Asian growth. We see the importance of the Chinese economy and the vitality of the Chinese company. So we welcome this Chinese invest money in Europe and in France.

--- Dominique de Villepin
Former Prime Minister of France

I think that’s something which has been in China for some time, opening to new ideas, opening to the world, China playing a stronger role in the world. But what you are seeing is a deepening of that story. For example, the One Belt One Road which is about relationships with some of the countries that in the area but also with the Middle East and Africa. So the opening has been there, but I think we are seeing new dimensions to the opening.

--- Nicholas Stern
Former Deputy President of World Bank; President of British Academy

I think that what the Chinese communist party done is huge, in matter of declaration of the opening of China, in matter of to develop the economy. Not only to develop the economy, but also to develop the social aspect of this economy. Really, China is one of the leader in the international relation today. And we hope that China will continue to play this key role in international relation in matter to implement and save peace in international relation, in matter to save the environment, in matter to increase the international economy.

--- Abdallah Abdillahi Miguil
Ambassador of Djibouti to China

The most interesting part for the “One Belt One Road” when I first heard about it is connectivity. Connectivity means getting markets together, people together, communicating together, and knowing each other and understanding each other better. In this world we live in, there’s lot of need to understand each other. The “One Belt One Road” concept is connectivity through road, water, air, digital and people-to-people contact. So it’s a very holistic concept. This concept introduced by China and promoted by President Xi is a very valuable concept, which is getting acceptability by the day, meaning every day people understand it more and they want to be part of it.

--- Shaukat Aziz
Former Prime Minister of Pakistan