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CRI听力:US saddened by Dallas shooting, calling for reconciliation


Five officers were gunned down and seven more were wounded after a sniper opened fire during a march protesting the recent police killing of a pair of black men by white police officers.

Dallas police say the shooter was extremely upset by the recent killings of two African Americans in Louisiana and Minnesota, and says the shooter specifically wanted to kill white police officers.

"Through our investigation of some of the suspects, it's revealed to us that this was a well-planned, well-sort out, evil tragedy by these suspects. And we won't rest until we bring everyone involved to justice."

The suspect, now identified as 25-year old former Army Reservist Micha Johnson, reportedly told police during his final stand-off that he was working alone.

He was later killed by a police robot deployed with a bomb after negotiations to end the stand-off failed.

US Attorney General Loretta Lynch says federal officials have been brought in to work with local law enforcement to help investigate the attack.

"Now after the events of this week, Americans across our country are feeling a sense of helplessness of uncertainty and fear. And these feelings are understandable and they're justified. But the answer must not be violence. The answer is never violence."

Meanwhile, in the State of in Tennessee, one person has been killed and three others wounded after a gunman opened fire on a local highway.

The shooter is also an African-American who targeted police officers, apparently with the same motivation as the gunman in Dallas.

These incidents have once-again rekindled debate about gun control in Washington.

Democrats are calling for debate on tightened gun control laws before lawmakers head home for an eight-week break starting on July 16th.

However, House speaker Paul Ryan says the goal at this point needs to be national reconciliation.

"Every member of this body wants a world in which people feel safe regardless of the color of their skin. And that's not how people are feeling these days. Sometimes we disagree on how to get there. Sometimes we disagree passionately on how to get there. But in having this debate, let's not lose sight of the values that unite us."

Meanwhile, the largest police Union in the United States is calling for the shooting in Dallas to be investigated as a hate crime.

However, the Obama administration says this is unlikely to happen, as the shooter is already dead.