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CRI听力:China's 19th CPC congress draws worldwide attention


Many leaders and experts have lavished praise on what China has achieved in its economic and social development, as well as contributions to world progress. 

Janez Premoze, the Ambassador of Slovenia to China, says the efforts of the CPC have brought prosperity to its people. 

"I believe it has proven to be the leader of this big country through the past 30 years. We see the practical results in the living standards, we see it in terms of the infrastructure, which has been put in place, we see it also in all developments I would say the soft value of the society, which are social benefits, and the security mechanism all of that. We hope that the outcome of this 19th Congress of the CPC will lead again towards a sustainable development of the country and bring China forward to match the challenges of the second part of the 21st Century," said Premoze.

Jim Yong Kim, World Bank president, also speaks highly of China's efforts in poverty alleviation and expressed high expectations for the upcoming 19th CPC congress

"Most of the progress that has been made in going from 40 percent of the world alleviating extreme poverty to now less than 10 percent, most of that progress happened in China, so we're always looking for the lessons from their experience. I think China has been pretty clear about the directions it is going. We are waiting to see what comes out of the Party congress like everyone else," said Kim.

The new French ambassador to China Jean-Maurice Ripert says that his country is paying close attention to the upcoming 19th CPC congress. 

The diplomat says France and China could strengthen cooperation in environmental protection. 

"The environment has a very important position in French government policies. I hope that in the future, under the leadership of Chinese President Xi Jinping, China would continue to take the road of sustainable development and ecological transformation. Meanwhile, Beijing and Paris could strengthen cooperation in those aspects. And as you can see that our collaboration has played a significant role in the Paris Climate Change Conference," said Ripert.

Meanwhile, major media around the world are keenly following the upcoming crucial meeting and acknowledging the achievements made by China in recent decades.

In an article published Monday, the Singaporean daily highlighted the results achieved by China's anti-corruption campaign since the 18th National Congress in 2012. The article says "it has changed the political patterns of China."

German magazine International Politics and Society has published an article on its website lauding China's unique model of success.

The article says "China became a WTO member in 2001 and opened the process of market economy liberalization afterwards without harming its political stability, which is a huge challenge for a country with a population of over 1.3 billion in very different living standards." 

China's five major development concepts of innovation, coordination, greening, opening up and inclusiveness have repeatedly been commended by foreign journalists during field tours around the country ahead of the opening of the party congress.

The 19th CPC National Congress is scheduled to open on October 18.