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CNN Student News - September 26, 2017


cnn 10

North Korea Accuses the U.S. of Declaring War; The Trump Administration Issues New Travel Restrictions

Aired September 26, 2017 - 04:00 ET


CARL AZUZ, cnn 10 ANCHOR: We`re taking off a new series today on cnn 10, taking you to a place you probably never been and I`m not going to even try to pronounce. I`m Carl Azuz. That`s coming up in just a few minutes.

First, though, North Korea is accusing the United States of declaring war. There have been a lot of threatening statements between the two countries in recent months, what some observers have been a calling a war of words. At the United Nations General Assembly last week, both U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean Foreign Minister Ri Yong Ho spoke out against each other`s country.

Then, over the weekend, President Trump tweeted that if Foreign Minister Ri echoes the thoughts of little rocket man, that`s a controversial name that President Trump used for North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un, the North Korean leaders, quote, won`t be around much longer.

Foreign Minister Ri called that an American declaration of war on his country and said North Korea would have the right to make, quote, counter measures, including the right to shoot down U.S. bombers at anytime even when they`re not in North Korean air space. He was referring to flyovers that U.S. planes recently conducted over international waters east of North Korea.

The U.S. State Department says America has not declared war on North Korea and that it continues to push for a peaceful stop to North Korea`s nuclear weapons programs. The U.S. also says it has a right to fly in international airspace and that no country has the right to fire on other nation`s planes or ships in international areas.


COL. STEVE WARREN, cnn MILITARY ANALYT: This is a very tense situation and we always hope that cooler heads would prevail.

If we fly more strategic aircraft near the North Koreans and they choose to try and shot one of those aircraft down, this could be a flash point. If the North Koreans feel that they`re being overly threatened and choose to fire some sort of rockets, missiles, artillery in to South Korea, and strike American forces. We have just under 30,000, approximately 30,000 U.S. forces in North Korea. This could become a flash point, which will lead to greater trouble.

So, this is a powder keg right now and this is something that we need cooler heads on both sides to be really beginning to prevail here.



SUBTITLE: Why Does North Korea Keep Launching ICBMs?

PAULA HANCOCKS, cnn INTERNATIONAL CORRESPONDENT: Every missile launch by North Korea is considered by most to be a provocation, but it`s more worrying than that. Every launch, takes North Korea one step closer to its stated goal of being able to hit mainland United States with a nuclear-tipped missile. Now, the regime has tested intercontinental ballistic missiles this year. The leader Kim Jong-un claims he already has major U.S. cities in his sights.

But how close is he exactly? There are a number of questions that remained to be answered. Does Pyongyang have a warhead that can reenter the earth`s atmosphere without burning up? Experts simply don`t know.

Does Pyongyang have a nuclear weapon that`s small enough to fit on the tip of a missile, i.e., has it miniaturized a nuclear warhead? That Kim Jong-un claims he already has done that, although some experts refute that claim. But official U.S. officials say that they have to take Kim at his word. They have to work under the assumption that he has that capability.

Kim hopes that every ICBM test will improve on the last and the closer he get to achieving an effective nuclear arsenal, the harder it will be to convince him to give it up.


AZUZ: North Korea is one of the countries listed in the Trump administration`s new travel restrictions that were announced this week.

The rules keep certain people from entering the U.S. -- people from the nations of Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela and Yemen. After announcing the travel ban on Sunday night, President Trump said, quote: Making America safe is my number one priority. We will not admit those into our country, we cannot safely vet -- meaning investigate beforehand.

And an official from the Homeland Security Department said the new rules will help keep terrorists and criminals from entering the U.S.

The previous travel ban was established by an executive order three months ago, and it was challenged in court. It applied to people in six countries and was temporary. It expired Sunday night. One difference between the two, besides some of the countries named, is that the new restrictions are indefinite. A government official said they`re based on conditions, not time.

Critics said the previous version discriminated against Muslims, since the countries that were part of it had Muslim majority populations. The Trump administration denied this, saying the vast majority of the world`s Muslims were not affected. But immigration rights groups say the government only added countries like North Korea and Venezuela to the new ban to support its legal argument that it`s necessary for national security. They say the new ban still unfairly targets Muslims.

The U.S. Supreme Court was scheduled to hear arguments next month on the legality of the travel ban, but because it`s been replaced by the new version, the court has removed that hearing from its schedule and will now consider whether the issue is moot. This may mean that the legal process concerning the ban would start over.


AZUZ (voice-over): Ten-second trivia:

Welsh is a Celtic language that`s still spoken in what country?

Finland, United Kingdom, Iceland, or Italy?

Welsh is still spoken in Wales, a part of the United Kingdom.


AZUZ: Around 20 percent of the people in Wales still speak Welsh, a language whose roots date back to the eighth century, according to Encyclopedia Britannica. And while you don`t need to be fluent to pronounce the superlative name of the Welsh town, it wouldn`t hurt. We`re going there right now -- one of many unique and fascinating places we`ll take you to as we kick off a new series, in partnership with our friends at Great Big Story.


DAVE GRIFFITHS, CONDUCTOR: Any passengers for Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch, anybody? No?

Anybody for Llanfair (ph)?

REPORTER: Llanfairpwll (ph) -

SAMANTHA JONES-SMITH, FOOTBALL CLUB CHAIR VICE CHAIR: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

REPORTER: Right. It`s a small town in Northern Wales, around 76 percent of the population here speaks Welsh. It`s also the longest town name in Europe, with 58 letters. There are literally four L`s next to each other right now.

What is with this name?

ALUN MUMMERY, CHAIRMAN OF THE VILLAGE COMMUNITY COUNCIL: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch is not the original name of the village.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You got to be kidding.

MUMMERY: In the 1860s, the name was contrived (INAUDIBLE) and it was meant to bring in people and tourist.

REPORTER: Alun, help us break this name down.

MUMMERY: The name means places within the village. You`ve got this Church of St. Mary in the Hollow of the White Hazel near to the Rapid Whirlpools and the Church of St. Tysilio and the Red Cave.

REPORTER: OK. So, let`s say you want to mail and letter, do you have to write the whole name, postmaster Jim Evans?

JIM EVANS, POSTMASTER: You could, but you`ve got to write very small. All you could use is (INAUDIBLE) which is the first (INAUDIBLE).

REPORTER: If you play for the local football league, does a name fit on your jersey, team manager Steve Smith?

STEVE SMITH, TEAM MANAGER AND PLAYER: It does and it`s the longest name of any football team in the world, and it jus about fits.

REPORTER: But can you put it in a song?


REPORTER: Wow, apparently you can.

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgo --

DYLAN WYN EVANS, MANAGER, GWESTY CARREG BRAN HOTEL: Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch.

REPORTER: It might be the greatest PR stunt of the mid-1800s. I don`t know, even of today, after all, we`re here. Here and.

Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch. I think that was pretty good.


AZUZ: For "10 Out of 10" today, who wants some pancakes?

These are professional chefs, and they`re cooking up a record. After a whole mess hall of `em fried flapjacks for almost eight hours, they served up 12,716 griddle cakes, setting a Guinness World Record, a new one, in Moscow, Russia, a nation that doesn`t just have a pancake day, it has a whole pancake week.

We`re not sure how many members of the public ate at the event, or how long it took them. But when the batter was up, they took the pancakes down, showing they were willing and maple in a matter of flours to buttermilk this opportunity and make Bisquick work out of them without making a flapjack. We`re glad that effort didn`t fall flat.

I`m Carl Azuz and we`re serving up pun cakes for cnn 10.