
2014年英语专业四级听力真题 新闻2


French forces say they have entered Kidal in the north of Mali,法军称其已经进入马里北部城市基达尔,

the last major town they have yet to secure in their drive against Islamist militants.基达尔是法军清除伊斯兰武装分子战斗中的最后一座尚未获取胜利的城市。

French forces now control Kidal airport after a number of aircraft,在包括直升机在内的数架飞机昨晚降落在基达尔机场之后,

including helicopters, landed there last night.法军目前控制了基达尔的机场。

Islamist militants were reported to have already left the town and it was unclear who was in charge.据报道伊斯兰武装分子已经撤离该市,该武装组织的头目现在尚不明确。

France — the former colonial power in Mali —法国原来是在马里的殖民国家,

launched a military operation this month after Islamist militants appeared to be threatening the south.在伊斯兰武装分子对南方地区造成威胁的局面开始显现时,法国对其采取了军事行动。

French army spokesman confirms that "French troops were deployed overnight in Kidal".法国军方发言人证实法国昨晚在基达尔进行了军事部署。

One regional security source told the Press that French aircraft had landed at Kidal and that protection helicopters are in the sky.当地的安全情报组织向媒体透露法国的飞机昨晚降落在基达尔,而起保护作用的直升机在空中盘旋。

Kidal, 930 miles north-east of the capital Bamako, was until recently under the control of the Islamist militants.基达尔位于首都巴马科东北部930英里,之前一直受伊斯兰武装分子控制。