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英语专业四级听力听写训练 第19期:庭院售物 Yard Sales


Yard Sales庭院售物Yard sales do not have to be huge.庭院售货的规模不需要太大。

One family, or even one person, can hold a yard sale.一个家庭,甚至一个人都可以举办庭院售货。

People simply collect some things they no longer want and put them in the yard outside their home.人们要做的只是收集一些不再需要的东西,然后把它们放在自己家的院子里。

They might also place handmade signs on nearby streets to direct people to the sale.他们也许还会把一些手写的牌子放在附近的街道上来指引人们到达他们的庭院售货地点。

Yard sales are a good way for people without much money to find things for their family.对那些没有太多的钱给家人买东西的人来说,庭院售货是一种很好的方法。

But even people with a lot of money like to look around.但是一些有钱人也喜欢逛庭院售货。

Professional dealers might also go to yard sales.职业贸易商们也去逛庭院售货。

If they find something valuable at a low price, they can re-sell it for more.如果他们以低价淘到一些很有价值的东西,他们可以转售得到更多的钱。

Still other people go to yard sales because they enjoy the hunt.此外,其他人去庭院售货是因为他们很享受淘东西。

They like to find beautiful or unusual things that are being sold for less than the value.他们喜欢去淘一些正在以低价贱卖的漂亮的或是不寻常的东西。

For example, they may find a piece of old furniture that is worth a lot of money after it is repaired.例如,他们淘到了一件翻新过后就会值很多钱的旧家具。