英语专业四级听力听写训练 第42期:美国职业教育 Vocational Education in the US
Vocational Education in the US美国职业教育
There is a long history of vocational education in the US.美国职业教育的历史悠久。
Dating back to colonial times, the government has supported programs to train skilled workers.早在殖民地时期,政府就已支持培训熟工的计划。
It started out as a way to teach students to farm and work in industries.起初只是学生耕种及在工厂里工作。
But as the American economy grew, so too has vocational training.随着经济的发展,职业教育也发展起来了。
Today, vocational education is usually called career and technical education, or CTE.如今,职业教育也称职业技术教育,或者CTE。
Students in high schools and trade schools can earn degrees in many areas.就读高中或中等职业学校的学生可取得多行业的证书,
They include nursing, engineering, accounting, biotechnologies, web design and auto mechanics.包括护理,工程,会计,生物工程,网页设计和汽车机械。
Career and technical education is different from traditional school because it is much more "hands-on."职业技术教育与传统的教育不同,它更注重实践。
Instead of sitting in a crowded classroom taking notes, students in CTE programs learn a trade.CTE课程的学生学会一门技能,而不是坐在拥挤的教室里记笔记。
They are prepared to step out of the classroom right into the working world.他们走出课堂就能马上工作,
That means they can start earning money years before students who attend four-year colleges.意味着他们比读四年大学的学生更早开始挣钱。
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