栏目广告位一 |
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 16
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 16华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜
华尔街基础英语2009-11-21 -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 14
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 14华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜
华尔街基础英语2009-11-21 -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 15
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 15华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜
华尔街基础英语2009-11-21 -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 12
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 12 19. Good afternoon, sir, and welcome to the Universe Hotel, Trinidad, do you have a reservation?
20. Er, yes, my name’s Harry Carter.
21. Ah, yes, you’re welcome, Mr. Cart -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 13
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 13 1. Good morning. Here we are outside our hotel in Brighton
2. Today we’re going for a walk in the beautiful countryside here,
3. And I must say, we’re lucky to have very -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 11
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 11 1. Ok, Carter, tell me everything you know about these people.
2. Well, sir, this one’s name is Hugo Peters. He says he’s a businessman.
3. This man’s name is Peter Moran -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 1
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 11. Mary: I’d like to speak to Markel Benie please.
2. Markel: Is that Mary?
3. Mary: Yeah! Hello Markel!
4. Markel: Hello Mary! How are things in Washington?
5. Mary: I’m -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 2
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 2 Mary: Morning! So what’s for breakfast today?
Markel: Well, do you need to leave with that coffee for breakfast.
Mary: Just coffee? That’s not good. I will make you the bre -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 3
华尔街基础英语 Lesson342. Well, here we are, back in Bighton, standing in front of our hotel.
43. Today, we’re visiting new English friends of mine, who live here in Brighton.
44. What?Today?
45. -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 4
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 4 1. …
2. Late again, why are you always late?
3. Gee, what’s the matter with you? Are there any messages for me?
4. Messages for you! Of course not! wants to speak to -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 5
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 5
50. …
51. Let me see: which model do you have?
52. …
53. But…but this machine is only two months old!
54. You are an important executive, aren’t you? You must have th -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 6
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 6华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜活
华尔街基础英语2009-11-20 -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 7
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 7华尔街英语全程共17级,前12级为普通级,后5级为商务级,其全程学费更高达40000元以上,不以应试为目的,旨在提高口语与听力能力,帮助人们学会如何真正地用英语沟通!真实场景设置,人物鲜活
华尔街基础英语2009-11-20 -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 8
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 81 Oh, no!
2 Hello, Heidi--- are you OK? Hey, it’s really good, this Swiss beer. Would you like some?
3 Look at this apartment! It’s so untidy!
4 Oh yeah, I must tidy it. Wh -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 9
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 9
39 So David’s coming back today!
40 And we’ll have a good teacher again. But where’s Heidi? I can’t see her here.
41 Perhaps she’s late.
42 Tell me what’s David -
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 10
华尔街基础英语 Lesson 101. Bye-bye, girls! Have a nice party, you won’t have any lond music, will you?
2. Oh no, Mrs. White! Only Mozart, and Vivaldi, maybe.
3. And no alcoholic drinks either!
4. -
华尔街英语高级Lesson 73
华尔街英语高级Lesson 71
华尔街英语高级Lesson 72
华尔街英语高级Lesson 69
华尔街英语高级Lesson 70
华尔街英语高级Lesson 67
华尔街英语高级Lesson 68
华尔街英语高级Lesson 65
华尔街英语高级Lesson 66
栏目广告位二 |