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华尔街初级英语学习教程第7课:我喜欢....Act2 (MP3和文本下载)


MARY: I don't like this room.

MARCO: Really, Mary? What's the matter with it?

MARY: Oh, it's small and horrible. And it's in a student hostel! I don't like hostels!

MARY: I like apartments!

MARY: Big, big, apartments! I want to live in a big beautiful apartment! What about you, Aiko?

AIKO: Well, in Japan we have very small apartments, but I like big apartments too.

MARCO: I know a Scottish guy. He has some apartments. His name is Mac Penny.

MARY: Wow, really? What's his phone number?

DRUNK: Hey, what's your name, darling?

MARY: Go to Hell, mister!

MARY: Does Mr Mac Penny live here?

HOOD: No, he doesn't!

MARY: Hey! Hey! Hey!

HOOD: What do you want now?

MARY: Where does Mr Mac Penny live?

HOOD: Downstairs.

MARY: Mr Mac Penny?

MR MACPENNY: What do you want from me?

MARY: My name's Mary Hartman and this is my friend Aiko Tomura. We want to look at an apartment.

MR MACPENNY: Ah, yes! Come with me, my dears!

MR MACPENNY: There's a nice apartment. It's upstairs.

MR MACPENNY: That's the apartment, my dears.


MR MACPENNY: Well, er... this is the bedroom, my dears.

MARY: The bedroom? But there isn't a bed!

MR MACPENNY: Well, no, there isn't a bed. But there's a nice mattress.

MARY: A nice mattress? Huh!

MR MACPENNY: Well... and this is the bathroom!

AIKO: Where's the bath, please?

MR MACPENNY: Ah! There isn't a bath. But there's a sink.

MR MACPENNY: And er.. this is the kitchen.

AIKO: The kitchen? But there isn't a stove!

MR MACPENNY: No, but there's a cupboard. A nice big cupboard!

MR MACPENNY: And this is the living-room.

MARY: Oh, really? There isn't a chair or a table in here. There isn't a bed in the bedroom! There isn't a stove in the kitchen! There isn't any furniture in this apartment!

MR MACPENNY: I'm a poor man, and furniture is expensive.

MR MACPENNY: Well, do you like the apartment?

AIKO: Not really.

MARY: How much is it?

MR MACPENNY: It's only $2000 a month.

MARY: What! $2000 a month! That's very expensive!

MARY: Listen, Mr Mac Penny, I live in a student hostel, and my room is only $400 a month.

AIKO: We're only students, Mr Mac Penny. $2000 is very expensive for us.

MR MACPENNY: Oh, I understand, you're only students. Well, for you, my dears, $1900 a month.

MR MACPENNY: Now, that isn't expensive, is it? It's very cheap!

MARY: No, no, no! It isn't cheap! This apartment is terrible. Come on, Aiko!

MR MACPENNY: $1800! $1700! $1600! $1500!

MARY: Go to Hell, Mr Mac Penny!

AIKO: What a horrible apartment!

MARY: I know; look at this street! I don't want to live here!

MARY: I want an apartment with a big, big, double bed! And a big, big kitchen!

AIKO: And a big, beautiful bath!

MARY: Yes, an apartment next to a park.

AIKO: With beautiful furniture.

MARY: And beautiful men!

DRUNK: Have a drink with me, darling!

AIKO: Go to Hell, mister!