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AP News:拜登政府:学校复课前景不容乐观


This is AP News Minute.

A new Biden Administration survey finds that even though schools are re-opening, not all student are going back. The survey said nearly 46% of public schools offered all students 5 days a week of in-person learning in February, but 34% of students went full-time.

President Biden says all adults in the US will be eligible for the coronavirus vaccine by April 19th. That bumps up the deadline by two weeks.

Trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin: use-of-force trainer testified that officers aren't taught to use legs or knees on somebody's neck. The defense has argued Chauvin followed his training when he put his knee on George Floyd's neck.

An apartment building fire in Queens, New York displaced more than 200 people. 21 people were injured including 16 firefighters.