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“Free hug, come on”

When you are feeling down, it's good to find comfort in a friend, or perhaps even a stranger. This group in Hong Kong is giving out hugs to help people in this financial capital feel better during the global economic crisis.

People needs care, and love, and we really want to send and share our love and care.

Hong Kong is already a stressed-out fast-pace city. But now this place like New York and London is grappling with the worldwide credit crunch, and its economy is in a technical recession.

People are getting to a point of feeling quite anxious.

The biggest source of their anxiety--job security

People having difficulty in falling asleep, or they may find themselves even at work, they are unable to concentrate, they would talk about within the company this tension, they feel the other departments, other team may come and steal their clients.

Emotions aren’t only running high in the office. In Hong Kong, hundreds took to the streets, after losing a chunk of their savings in bonds of the now bankrupt US investment firm Lehman Brothers. Social services organizations like Caritas are reaching out to those suffering. The group recently set up a government-funded counseling hotline, and in the first month received over a thousand calls.

They call because they don't know what to do next after losing their savings. They find it really difficult to accept such a harsh reality and change the way of living.

So what are the best ways to manage stress in these uncertain times? Exercise, lay off the alcohol, get some rest, and try not to play too many mind games with yourself.

They would try to guess, guess the situation, looking at the, you know, the supervisor, you know, having a meeting with a couple of people or thinking “oh, my God”. You know, is it the one that, you know, delivering the bad news, or is next one would be me, importantly it’s to slow down.

And spend time with family, or maybe some new-found friends. Even if that too, might give you a little bit of stress.

Free hug

Yoner Sien, cnn, Hong Kong.