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再忙 也别忘记了维系那份爱


…Kids, the job, friends, the Internet, do you have time for everyone and everything except your spouse? Are you too busy for your relationship? Joining us is Robi Ludwig from Cookie magazine and Essence magazine columnist Finesse Mitchell.

We are very familiar with him in Saturday Night Live(How are you doing?) How are you? Good to see you.

Nice to see you.

Are you guys doing alright this morning?

Yes, it’s great.

So are we too busy? I mean we walk around town, everybody’s on their, you know, cell phone and they are on their thing, in their… you know. Trying to save their jobs, ‘coz Wall Street is going down the tubes and you are too busy for love. Is it possible to be too busy for love?

Well, I, you know, I think we take our relationships for granted

And once we are together we say you know I love you even if I don’t talk to you and I’m on my blackberry all the time and I think with technology too.


…Your work life bleeds into your home life. So we need to be really more deliberate about our relationships than we sometimes are. And it could be really relationship suicide.

See, I think men tend to be pretty selfish though.


…because they have their jobs, they have their gym, they have their friends, they have their golf, they have…right?

Sports Center.

…all that. (Also.)You know they gotta get their Sports Center. (Yah) Who’s got the time to rub your girl friend’s feet.

or your wife's feet...


Cause’ you can rub your feet, while…

What are you doing after the show?

You can rub your feet while you are watching Sports Center …


… but that’s when you are in the room while you are watching Sports Center, that’s..

Probably not.

Probably not.


You know, so a lot of women sometimes feel you know --why am I competing with the television or why am I competing with this or that. So I think it’s a tossup I mean ,well, not necessarily a tossup, but I definitely think you know you have to compromise because when a woman is just as busy she’s sometimes harsh what a man you know. The man is nagging and the man is you know so sometimes…
What about me?

Right, right, and no man wants to go to their woman, complaining like, complaining over a lack of intimacy


But really what you need to know is that when you pay attention to somebody it is loving; it equals love, if you give attention to they in the way that they want you to give attention.


Are we bringing this up because all these high-profile men, breakups, several, you know last couple of weeks, last couple of months, you got your guy Richie and McDonald, and you got…