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StoryCorps is made possible through funding from State Farm, the Atlantic philanthropies and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and most importantly, through the support of participants and listeners like you nationwide.

Welcome to the StoryCorps Podcast, Anna Wise and her daughter Mary recorded their interview in Sandy Spring, Maryland. Anna talked about her husband Joseph and the story of their love that spanned nearly 80 years.

I knew  papa when we were children. I was 8 and he was 11, and I was madly in love with the man. I thought surely that I would marry him when I was old enough.

So how did you go about begging him?

Well, I have, I was sassy(厚脸皮的), I turned on the all the tricks that I knew and winked an eye or two, now and then…

Do you remember your first date?

Yes, I remember that day took me to a baseball game. I was perfectly willing to go, there or anywhere else. We danced the night a while, We went to speed kisses, We did all of things  are not supposed to do. And to make a long story short, which people are not fond of doing. We just sort of agree to that it was time to get married.

What year was that?

This was  1933.

And what was the day?

What was the date? Well, it has been so long ago, I guess I don't  remember.

November the 11th!

November the 11th, correct.

Tell me about taking care of papa when he got sick.

Well, your father was diagnosed to a diabetes, he lost a leg, then the diabetes took him anyway. We never know what diseases are going to catch up with us, it’s amazing the things that people can live through when they have to, so you get through it, you get through almost anything. And he lived to be 96, and sometimes he wondered why, but then when he looked up the blue sky, he think, it’s gonna be all right.

That’s Anna and Mary Wise at StoryCrops in Sandy Spring, Maryland.

To see photos and make reservation for your own interview, visit storycorps.net. Major support for StoryCorps is provided by State Farm and by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. Our podcasts are supported by the Feltzer Institute as part of its campaign for love and forgiveness. Learn more at loveandforgive.org. All StroyCorps interviews are housed the American Folklife Center at the library of congress. And you can hear StroyCorps on the radio Fridays on NPR’s morning edition.

For this StoryCorps Podcast this is Michael Grafflo. Thanks for listening.

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