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Sex sells, and here At Cowgirls Espresso in Bonney Lake business has never been better. The baristas here wear bikinis, nothing different they say than what you see at the beach.

"You see people, you know, out on the lake in their swimsuits and I don't see how it's any different, right? We are just making coffee."

But it is what this mother saw at another Espresso stand that really gave her a jolt. 

"All of a sudden, my kids that were in the back of the car said: "Mom, there is a naked lady!"

Tawnya McLavey says inside Hot Chick-a-Latte was a pasty-clad barista serving coffee.

"From her middle, up, nothing but two stickers."

That's why McLavey is organizing a protest in Bonney Lake this Memorial Day weekend as a way to send a message.

"I just thought there could be a law to say, you know, these are "adults only" facilities, not for children and there is no warning, and… and seeing a barista just in pasties, you know, out in the open, on a busy road, it…it's just terrifying."

She even started a clothing drive for the baristas, to which the workers at Cowgirls Espresso say bring 'em here, they'll put those clothes to good use. 

We are just coming back and say, ok, if you, if you want to drop off your clothes for us and we will take them and we are going to donate them to a local charity.

pasties: small round coverings for a woman's nipples worn especially by a stripteaser

barista: one who has acquired some level of expertise in the preparation of espresso-based coffee drinks.