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Our 'Making a Difference' report tonight is how Brothers are going green, a little bit at a time, by transforming an American tradition. Here is NBC’s Roger O’Neil down on the farm in Wisconsin.

Making fine Wisconsin cheese drives the economic engine of the Crave Brothers’ farm. But electricity turns the motor of their milk engines. With 6 thousand dollar a month utilities bills, the brothers forward decided to make their own power, from something Charles, the idea brother, knew they had an endless supplier--Manure.

I have been dreaming of this for 25 or 30 years, and I set an interest in trying to do things better than what has been done in the past. 5 years ago when the Crave Brothers decided to turn the dairy farm into a cheese factory, more than a few thought they have bitten off more than they could chew. But Brothers say it was a leap of faith then, like now, turning manure into electricity. What looks like a giant crock pot is now converting the cows’ waste into methane gas, which generates enough electricity to power the farm and an extra 120 of their neighbors’ homes.

George is the Brothers’ visionary. It takes a little bit of stretch, a little bit imagination. As we milk more cows, we will be able to power a lot more homes, and it will be good for everyone in our community.

And what’s left after the manure makes methane gas is a new odor-free potting soil and a new liquid fertilizer the Craves put on their fields.

Mark, the baby brother, says utilizing all of the farm waste just make sense. I don’t even look at myself as an active environmentalist. It is what I do. It all pulls together increased productivity, better conservation for the soil and the water.

Brothers responsible to each other, their community and the changing the future through innovation. One bowl of Mozzarella at a time.  

Roger O’Neil, NBC news, Waterloo, Wisconsin.