This is May 8th, thus the 16 days since Sean Hannity volunteered to be waterboarded for a military families’ charity, thus 15 days since I offered to donate $1000 per second that he lasted, thus 14 days during which Sean Hannity has suffered the consequences of reneging on his promise. Let’s play Oddball.
To begin with a pretty scary scene outside an office building in St Paulo, Brazil. Thankfully, nobody got hurt on Wednesday when high winds caused the window-washing platform with two men inside it to swing violently. Office workers in the building watched in amazement as an onlooker in an adjacent building shot this footage. The men in the bucket tried grabbing onto the building to just slow their momentum and the pendulum effect going on. The platform eventually did slow down, sufficiently for the men to crawl out and through an open and still dirty window, and left a few streaks.
Finally in Miami, Florida where God has appeared on some fried salami, not an image of God, mind you, the word. This video is from CBS’s Miami affiliate WFOR. Nancy Simo says she’s about ready to plate the three salami slices when she turned over the first piece and saw the letter G then an O and finally a D in that order. Could have gone DOG. D could have been an O, would have made her discovery GOO, but Nancy has faith, took faith that the breakfast meat is a sign. She may consider selling her salami on Ebay, first there was the word, and the word was salami.