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Believe it or not, the current economic climate may be good for recent college grads.

"In a recession, statistically, entry-level jobs may be the least affected because they are the least expensive. So if you can convince employer that you are smart, articulate, willing to work hard, ambitious and can be hired at a less expensive salary, you are golden."

So, how do you get that first job? Remember, use a contact name when you send out a cover letter. 

"Stop looking for a job and start looking for a person--the right person who will lead you to the right job.  It's really important to get inside the organization, find people to talk with so that you can be recommended."

Don’t waste valuable resume real estate with objectives.

"Make sure that you fill those lines with measurable deliverables to show the employer exactly what you can do for him."

Apply for positions online, but be sure to connect with actual people.

"Talk to three people a day--morning, lunch, and in the afternoon, reach out, tell people 'I really want to meet someone who can tell me more about positions in your company'."

Try to avoid mentioning a salary range. 

"The lowest number you say may end up being your salary. If they ask for a range and say it's required, do your homework; get the range for not only that industry but that particular company if you can."

Once you’ve been offered a job, it’s time to negotiate.

"It’s your job to advocate for yourself and say why you are worth the higher range of the salary."

Don’t forget to Google yourself and edit your public Facebook photos.

"If you posting pictures of yourself doing belly shots in a bar, I can’t hire you. You’ve shown a great lack of judgment in posting this what has become, like it or not, a professional space."

For your Shopper's Market, Brenda Buttner, Fox News.