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新型警车问世 匪徒无处逃


罪犯当心!美国的Carbon Motors发布的E-7专用警车让警察们也有了自己的专用车辆。
这个车是相当的炫。从车的前脸到车顶再到后尾部,遍布警示闪灯,不必再加装顶置的警示灯,这就是专业的体现。相信Carbon Motors E7这款车在夜晚的效果将相当的乍眼


Carbon Motors E7搭载的是3.0T增压引擎,动力自然不用说,犯罪分子想驾车跑路也得先看看自己开的什么车。

Criminals beware! Carbon Motors' purpose-built E-7 police car could be an officer's dream come true.
What we've developed is a homeland security platform of technologies. Er, the amount of equipment and technology in this vehicle, er, not only providing the appropriate performance capabilities, but unparalleled safety.

The 15-inch touch screen computer console, which Li compares to the biggest iphone you've ever seen, controls many of the high-tech features.

And this is the patrol screen.

There's a radar screen that monitors cars in the front and rear, a fore and back seat facing camera, an infrared camera that detects heat signatures at night and a license plate recognition system that can automatically read up to 1,500 license plates per minute as the officer drives, then crosschecks them against national and local databases.

Let's, let's go back 50 years, right? You had a vehicle, maybe you had a radio on end, the one little light that goes on top here. That's no longer the case.

Georgia is the home state of Carbon Motors and among several in discussions to manufacture the vehicle, which is expected to produce 10,000 new jobs. Georgia Senator Saxby Chambliss hopes it can provide a much-needed economic boost for the state.

Georgia's like every other state, we're suffering from an economic standpoint right now. We've seen a huge loss of jobs in our state, in the manufacturing sector particularly. At any time, you have a new company coming in, that suggests that they may employ up to 10,000 people. That's huge.

The demonstration vehicle touring various states has drawn attention from law enforcement. But some officers are taking a wait-and-see appro.

They're gonna have to produce a few vehicles that they can take to a major police department, and say, take these two cars and test them for 15 or 30 days. Day in and day out, and gives us a report back.

Hold on!

The E-7 looks likes it should be featured in a summer blockbuster film, but Li says there's one major difference between it and Hollywood crime fighting cars.

We've heard this is the car of the future. We've heard it compared to robot car and James Bond and K and all those things. But, you know, the fact of the matter is, this is the real dog.

The expected date of production is 2012.