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Before the case could go to trial, Google and Microsoft announced that they had reached a settlement whose terms were confidential, ending a five-month dispute between the two companies.

With so much hardship in coming to Google, Li had developed his own style of management. Google China is known for its unique corporate culture of fostering innovation. Li Kaifu said his time in Google was happy and fulfilling:

"Everything is new. To run the talented group well in Google. I tried to be more liberal and provide equal opportunities. Everyone will have chances to discuss and learn from others. The research and contributions of each individual will be respected. While following the company's grand direction, employees still have enough space and freedom to exhibit their own talents and pursue their dreams".

At Google China, Lee helped establish the company in the market and oversaw its growth in the country. He was responsible for launching the Google.cn regional website, and strengthened the company's team of engineers and scientists. Li said that he's proud about what he's achieved:

"When I came to Google China, its market share was declining. It might be another burst bubble, just like so many internet companies in China. When I was responsible for Google China, its market share climbed, up to 31% from 16% in 2006, although that is only about half of Baidu's more than 60% share. Google had done quite well. It not only survived but is also thriving."

This September, Li Kaifu announced his resignation from Google. With a very strong leadership team in place, Li said it seemed this was a very good moment for him to move on to the next chapter in his career.

The next chapter is to start up a business of his own. Li Kaifu said in June, he was sick. During a period in the hospital, he had some time to reflect upon his life:

"I have about 15 years left before my retirement. I asked myself, 'what do I want from the 15 years? How to make the rest of my career life happier and more meaningful?'  Over the past 20 years, I have held high positions at three IT colossi: Apple, Microsoft and Google. There is still a dream which has not been realized in my life, and I want to make up for it. I am afraid I won't have enough time if I don't do it now."

Li Kaifu's "Innovation Works " is a venture capital fund that aims to create successful Chinese start-ups in internet and mobile internet businesses or in vast hosting services known as cloud computing. So far, the Innovation Works fund has attracted several investors with initial financing of 8 billion yuan, or one point four billion US dollars. The investors include Steve Chen, co-founder of YouTube; New Oriental Education & Technology Group; Legend Holdings, the parent of PC maker Lenovo; and WI Harper Group.

Li Kaifu says Innovation Works' approach will be tailored for the Chinese market. It will have more hands-on mentoring, build projects in-house and then spin them out for larger rounds of funding later.

The idea is to find young, hungry engineers from China's top universities, hire them, give them the room to experiment with ideas and then help them grow their projects.

"The Innovation Works combines three of my ideals: China, youth and innovation. The Chinese entrepreneurial environment is still in its formative stage, with significant barriers for the early-stage entrepreneur: The barriers contribute to a dearth of high-tech start-ups in China. Innovation Works is matching entrepreneurs, engineers and innovative idea and capital with a unique business model that improves success rates and speeds time to market."

Li Kaifu says he enjoys helping young people, answering questions and helping them find their way. He hopes the young people can grasp all the opportunities and realize their potentials in the era of China's rise:

"China's young generation are living in a prosperous time. If you ask my advise for them, that is to always follow your heart, not be lured by other noises. If you believe in yourself and keep making progress, you can achieve success and make a world of difference."

And with that, we end this week's Frontline. If you have any comments or suggestions, don't hesitate to write to us, either by email or post. Our address is frontline@cri.com.cn. Alternatively, you can send a letter to: English Service, China Radio International, Beijing, China. The postal code is 100040. I am Yao Yongmei Thanks for listening. Until next week, goodbye.