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Tetsuro Matsuzawa: In a chimpanzee's mind, their intelligence is so flexible.

You're listening to Tetsuro Matsuzawa of the Primate Research Institute at Kyoto University, in Japan. Matsuzawa trained chimps to recognize the numbers one to nine. He found that they outperformed college undergrads in a short-term memory test.

Tetsuro Matsuzawa: I tested three young chimpanzees at the age of five.

Random numbers appeared on a touchscreen. After a fraction of a second, the numbers were masked by white squares. The chimps remembered the location of the numbers, and were able to touch them in numerical order.

Tetsuro Matsuzawa: And I did tests of up to eight numerals. And young chimpanzees had no problem at all. But if you test undergraduate students in a college, five numerals are already very difficult.

The undergrads accuracy dropped to 40 percent. Matsuzawa said that learning about the chimpanzee mind can tell us something about ourselves.

Tetsuro Matsuzawa: You can easily recognize similarity between us. So humans, animals, we should be living together peacefully co-existing, sharing this beautiful planet Earth.

Our thanks today to Tetsuro Matsuaza, I'm Jorge Salazar for ES, a clear voice for science. We're at ES.org



