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气候变化 为人类的健康带来什么?

 Roberto Bertollini: There are a range of impacts which can justify many of the actions that are going to be taken for climate change. I think the health arguments are not used enough.

罗伯特.波托里尼: 为了遏制气候变化,人们制定了许多措施,并通过一系列预想效果来考量它们。但我认为,人们制定措施时很少考虑到如何去遏制气候变化带来的健康问题。

You are listening to Dr. Roberto Bertollini of the World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland. He heads efforts by the WHO to protect human health from the impacts of climate change.


Roberto Bertollini: Now, we have made an analysis that in the year 2000, because of weather-related events associated to the initial climate change, there are already 150,000 additional deaths due to a number of diseases we studied at that time that could be attributable to climate change. We have estimated that this is going to be close to double in the last five years, and we expect further increase for 2010-2020.


According to the WHO, climate change intensifies floods and droughts. Floods can contaminate water and cause fatal illnesses, such as diarrhea and cholera. And prolonged droughts can cause food shortages.


Roberto Bertollini: In addition to that, we have the problem of air pollution, the problem of heat waves. These things are also happening now.


Dr. Bertollini said the biggest health impacts are to people in developing countries, but people worldwide face some risk to their health from climate change.


Roberto Bertollini: I think this is really an issue of life and survival of human beings.
