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Texting back in force with nearly 50 people a day isn’t easy.

I have to say I wasn’t an addict.

But if you wanna keep up with the crowd, this 12-year-old says texting and Facebook are a must.

Gossip, that’s pretty much the key thing to be not invisible.

Killian was a straight A student at Congress middle school before her heavy messaging. But with every text and hour on Facebook, her grades slipped, first Bs and then Cs. She even made grammatical errors writing the letters “U R” instead of “you are”.

I was always on Facebook or complaining about how tired I was or texting.

A Kaiser Family Foundation study shows kids like Killian, spend an average of nearly 7.5 hours a day texting or on social networking sites. Nearly half suffer fair or poor grades. Between Killian’s grades and this infinite phone bill, the Fanes decided to take away her phone and Facebook time.

It was more based on a lack of oversight.

This principal doesn’t know the Fanes, but he agrees with Todd.

It goes back to educating your child about what this tool is and here’s what the limits are.

At first Killian didn’t respect her parents’ decision.

I would just sit on my bed and like stare at the wall or fall asleep, just like take a long nap.

Several days into her grounding, however, Killian changed. She started to focus on her school work again and even her family.

My grades are like going really fast to the As and Bs.

We are really enjoying getting to know our daughter again.

Once all of Killian’s grades are back up to par, she would be able to text and spend time on Facebook again, but only after her homework is done and before the lights go out.